Here at White Bear Lake United Methodist Church...
No matter your story or relationship to the church, you will be welcome.
Join us in person this Sunday
White Bear Lake UMC, 1851 Birch Street, White Bear Lake 55110
Who to Expect
We are a community of faith, seeking to provide nourishment for the hungers of life. We welcome all people, inclusive of race, ethnic background, gender identity, sexual orientation, capability, and circumstances of life. Welcome to White Bear Lake United Methodist Church!
What We Believe
We believe in teaching our children, youth, and adults to be critical thinkers and adventuresome followers who can ask big questions in church and get honest answers. We believe that Jesus is our primary pathway to God, and we respect other pathways to God. We believe in taking the Bible seriously but not literally. We believe God lives and moves among each one of us. We believe the kingdom of God is a present reality, not just a future one, and that we each have a role in contributing to its presence.
Our Mission Statement
Providing nourishment for the hungers of life through worship, discipleship, compassion, and justice.
For Kids & Youth
- Nursery is offered every Sunday. Doors open 10 minutes before the church service.
- June & July Summer Sunday School for ages 4 years through 5th grade will be held during the 10am worship service.
- Program year Sunday School for students ages 3 years through middle school runs September 22 through May 11.
- Wednesday Youth Group for middle school and high school starts September 25th.
New Member Class
New member classes are held twice a year immediately after the 10:45am service. Each new member class lasts approximately 2 hours. In each class, participants are introduced to our vision and missions; the staff; our theology and worship style; our current offerings; and member expectations. Following the new member class, you will be recognized at the next Sunday service. For more information email Pastor Christine.
Special Needs
ADA accessible compliance doors on the South Building Entrance
ADA accessible compliance doors on the first-floor bathrooms
Elevator access to lower-level classrooms
Assisted hearing devices available in the sanctuary for worship